
As a user of https://my-doktor.net Please be aware that this website serves as a platform to connect patients with medical practitioners for online medical appointments, consultations and prescriptions. We offer subscription services exclusively to medical practitioners, enabling them to list their services on our platform.

It is important for users to understand that we do not vet, endorse, or guarantee the qualifications, expertise, or quality of care provided by any of the medical practitioners listed on our site. The responsibility of selecting a suitable medical practitioner rests solely with the patient. We strongly recommend that patients conduct their own research, such as verifying the credentials and reviews of practitioners, before scheduling an appointment.

Our platform does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information and services provided through our website are intended to facilitate professional medical consultations but should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a qualified healthcare provider familiar with your individual health needs.

We strive to maintain the accuracy and reliability of the information presented on our website; however, we cannot guarantee the validity or completeness of such information. Users are advised to exercise their own due diligence in evaluating the services offered by practitioners listed on our platform.

By using this website, you acknowledge and agree that we shall not be liable for any damages or losses arising from your reliance on the information provided on the site or your interactions with any medical practitioner you engage with through our platform. We also do not assume responsibility for any medical care, treatment, or services provided by the practitioners listed on our website.

We encourage feedback and reports of any issues encountered while using our platform, including concerns about the conduct or qualifications of practitioners listed on our site. However, please note that we do not mediate disputes between patients and medical practitioners.